Monday, December 31, 2012

My new years resolutions for 2013

Being that it is New Years Eve, I thought  I would share my resolutions. First I would like to rely on God more. I am trying really hard to rely on God more when I am stressed and just in general.  My second goal is to work on my creativity whether its writing or whatever I would like to work on my portfolio more too. Again work on my creativity. My third goal is to lose atleast 20 lbs. I know I know I say it every year, and I just barely scratch that surface but dang it I am going to try harder this year. Another goal I have is to keep on top of my house. What I mean by this is I am wanting really hard to try and keep my house clean. Even if its just one room at a time I want to try and keep my house clean. My fifth goal is to try and do more yoga. I keep saying I will but never really start on or do it like I should. The yoga is to help me relax more. It has in the past helped me sleep better, wake up, de-stress me etc. when ever I do get around to do it. I would like to do it more. My 6th goal for the new year is a little mixed for reason's I do not wish to bring up at this present time.  But I would like to really work on it. I need to do it and I know I will feel better in the long run. Oh I have so many things I would like to resolve in the new year. There are just too many to name. The ones mentioned above, are just a few of the main ones. I want to try really hard to stick to them because they are important to me.  Last year I made a few resolutions and I as hard as I tried, I never really stuck to them. This year I would like to do my best to change that. These are all manageable goals, and I would really like to work on sticking to them. I have my reasons however I do not wish to discuss them at the moment. As for tonight well my plans are simple I am going relax and watch the ball drop like I try do every year. I didnt get to last year bc I was too tired. This year I am going to do my darnedest to stay awake and watch it drop and celebrate of course. Then if I am still awake, I am going to watch a show off of Netflix. This all depends on my energy level and if my kids are asleep at reasonable time. I know that DJ needs to go bed early tomorrow, because she has school on Wednessday. Yes I know I am going off topic that just occured to me. GRRR... Another note off topic, yay for netflix.  I can find movies that I would like to see along with shows that i need to catch up on. Thankfully I can afford by donating plasma which I plan on doing Friday morning, and Sunday morning. I may not make much by doing it, but its enough to help so as long as I can keep it on the card, and only use it for gas I am good to go. Back on the topic for tonight, along with watching the ball drop I plan on doing a job search for something that is more in degree or in my field. I am also putting plastic on my windows to keep the heat in and DROP the cost on my gas bill. I am ready for a dramatic change in my gas bill. I am planning on getting LIEAP again to help atleast with the gas or electric bill. it will definitely be helpful. Anyhow yeah tonight is a mix of work and relaxation. Well I am going to get off here and continue with my relaxation and work. Happy New Year everyone and I will see you all in the new year. God Bless.:)

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The last call of the day

Well today was last call at work was interesting. I was getting ready to clock out and I messed up and ended up taking a final call after5pm. Yeah very little did I expect to get a superstar. On a national car rental survey of things. I especially didnt not expect for him to be so below cordial that it would dim my mood. It also proves that talking on the phone to a superstar or someone famous can be as easy talking to a normal person on the phone.  Maybe it was premature to think that he would be nice. The one thing that i can take from this, is that i got to talk to a celebraty. It was rare and i doubt it will happen again but it was a first and another reason I dont like my job. On this particular survey i could say or venture of the script. Oh well eventually i will be able to find a decent job. But for now i will just deal a job that i dont really care for. I would say that that call was the best end to my day but it wasnt. Well I thought I would share how my last call was later.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

on a lighter note

Today I got to see something that was very beautiful to me. I saw my two youngest little ones say grace before they ate their doughnuts. This is something I have been working on for a while. Not just the saying prayers before they eat their doughnuts but before they eat they food in general. They are just now getting to where they do it all the time. I am so proud of them. Any how, I went to the kitchen and my second oldest told me that she wanted to say her prayers. Hearing that put a smile on my face :). Shortly after my youngest said she wanted to pray too.  I could not tell you how proud and happy  that made me. When they said their prayers, it was both beautiful and adorable . To the best of my knowledge it went like this:"Thank you for the doughnuts, thank you for mommy and daddy, thank you Riley, thank you for eating doughnuts, thank you for Podder (their older brother), thank you for aunt Micky(their aunt Nikki) and thank you for this day." Amen.I have say that that was the light of my day to hear them pray. To me there is nothing better than hearing my kids thanking God for their food, and for their day. Again it was wonderful to hear especially after the recent tragedy that happened last week. I know that they still pray with their eyes open , but baby steps. Besides it still counts in my book. I am just happy about them wanting to say their prayers before they eat. I really love how they are thankful for the smallest things. I want to try and be like that and be thankful/grateful for the small things. I think that will be one of my goals before and at the beginning of the new year is try and be thankful more. For both the small and big things. I know one thing, I am very thankful for my kids and my family. I am also thankful for my pets Miko, Bella and our latest addition Rudolfa. I am thankful for my sister inlaw and her dog Anna. Nikki is helping us out alot, and Anna loves the kids and is very protective around them. I am so very thankful for them. There are just so many things. I would to try and have the faith my kids have as well. Its is so beautiful to see their faith. I love them so much. Okay well that is all for tonight. I will talk to you all later.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Award Post

 1) You must thank the person who gave you this award
2) You must display the Liebster heart on your blog
3) You should nominate 3 to 5 up-and-coming blogs (some rule variations say 11) with less than 200 subscribers
4) Each person must post 11 things about themselves
5) Answer the questions given to you by the blogger who nominated you
6) Create 11 questions for those you nominate to answer
7) Notify your nominees and provide a link back to your post
8) And no tag backs (the point is to try and highlight new bloggers so let’s spread the support :) )

Steps 1 and 2
First I would like to Austism Diary for nominating my blog. It means a lot to have some one nominate it and for it to get more readers. I do apologize for it not having more posts life has been busy. I will try though. I will also do my best to get the award posted to my sidebar.  I am not sure how to do it but I will figure it out.

Step 3 (pending)
I will have nominess as soon as I can, I am need to hear from a couple of people for that.

Step 4
11 things about me. Okay well here it goes.
1.) I am mother to 3 beautiful kids. Their ages range from 6 to almost 3. I have one boy who is 6 years old and in first grade. I have a 4 year old girl who is currently in preschool, and I have a soon to be 3 year old girl who will have a late start in preschool as well. I love all three of them equally and would do anything for them.
2.) I am happily married to my husband Jason whom I love unconditionally even though he just like my kids can drive me insane. But i still love them very much. We are coming up on our 7 year anniversary on the 9th of Dec. Wow 7 years that is awesome.
3.)I just recently graduated from Butler County Community College with a degree in Digital Media in which I am HIGHLY PROUD of btw. Still working on the career part, but i have faith that I will get there.
4.) I won a poetry contest when I was 18 years old for something that I wrote when my grandpa on my dads side past away.
5.) I do my best to have a strong faith in God. I love him God and try to work hard at having a good strong relationship with him.
6.) I like to read and my favorite author at the moment is Laurell K. Hamilton. However I will and do read other books as well. I prefer to keep and open mind.
7.) I will try mostly anything once. It really depends on what is. I do have my limits.
8.) I love movies and music. The only movies I will not watch or atleast rarely watch are horror movies.
9.) I love photography and would really like a better camera for it. But I will and do try to make what I have to work with at the time to work.
10.) I love Gods beauty. The sunsets, sunrises pretty much all of it. It all inspires me.
11.) God and my family are what drive me to work hard and keep going, even when I am at my points where I dont they keep my going.
Bonus facts:
have had to Oompa loompa song stuck in my head for the last few days, and I have a guilty pleasure:P.
Step 5
answer the questions from Autism Diary
1.) What or who inspired me to start blogging? That was combination of things. First the what is the simple fact that it helps me get out what i feel and need to say. Who inspired me, my friends and a family members blog. Occasionally Autism Daddy's Blog helped too.
2.) What is my favorite post and why? My favorite post huh? Hmm let me think that would have to be Mommy Time. Because it touched a subject that i am sure if my kids could type they would type it. Here is the link for
3.) What are my hobbies when I am not blogging? I like to read, create when ever i have a creative bug up my butt, that is when i have time.
4.)What is my favorite childhood memory? I honestly dont know what it would be.
5.)What is my favorite season and why? My favorite season would be spring because the weather is just right not to hot and not to cold. It is just right.
6.)Who in my life inspires me the most and why? I would have to say that God, my husband and my kids are my inspiration. They are my biggest fans, my biggest driving force and the glue to my creativity on most occasions.
7.)Three things i am thankful for. 1. I am thankful for God 2. My family and 3. My friends.
8.) Where am I from and what do I like about it? I am from Wichita KS. It has it draw backs, but I do like the fact that where I live now is close to stores and other places.
9.)What is my strongest talent? My strongest talent I think it would be my small knack for computers. I also think that my strongest talent would be photography.
10.)If you could travel anywhere in the world without money or accomodations being an issue, where would you like to go most and why? I would travel to Paris just because I would love to enjoy the food and I love the language.
11.)Do I have a favorite food or snack and what is it? My favorite snack or food would be fruit I have always loved fruit. I am so of a nut like that.

 Step 3 da da nominations go to: love her blogs they are real honest and funny.
I like her blog because it touches on everything and variety is the spice of life.

Step 6
Your Interview.
1.)What is your main inspiration for writing your blog?
2.)Do you have a personal favorite post that you have written? If so what is it and why? Please send a link for it incase I have missed one.
3.)Who is your favorite actor?
4.) What is your favorite book?
5.)What is your favorite movie?
6.) What is your guilty pleasure?
7.) What is your favorite season?

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Black Friday

Ah black Friday. The day where all the shoppers greed gets the best of EVERYONE. Including myself, in moderate doses.  Stores are ready but the cashiers and sales associates are not. Black Friday is like a tradition in my family.  Nearly everyone in my family will participate except my dad my husband and my kids of course. Usually I will be the first who jumps at the chance to look at the ads and get ideas for Christmas and R's birthday. However I will have to wait until Saturday to even attempt  to try and get anything for myself and my kids. Lets not forget a perspective cage for the ferret that my dad is giving us. This years shopping list includes my daughter R's birthday gifts which I have already mentioned. So my black Friday shopping list is FULL. I may bargain with someone to help me and pay them back. Ahem "Challenge accepted."


Thankfully I found someone to help me with my black Friday shopping. Mostly for the kids, but that was my main goal. I will still find movie deals for myself, but my kids come first. However  my sister-in law made a good point. Black Friday shopping is like suicide. I am not sure what is worse, trying find a parking spot or actually making it out of the stores with an attempt to keep your sanity in tact.

 So I guess the really question is how bad do I want it. Well a part of me wants it bad enough, and another part of me wants to just say I will do the safe thing and get my shopping done during cyber week. Dont get me wrong, I like black friday shoot R was born the day after black friday because I went that year pregnant. I am just not crazy enough to go and participate in the fights that can happen. I thought that the day or week before Christmas was bad. Oh well I have made my point and stated my position on it for this year. So with that I will end this and say later.