Thursday, August 7, 2014


   A lot has been going on lately. I have been advocare distributor for about 4 months. If any you all like you can check out my site at Recently I took and advocare 24 day challenge. The results are in: I lost 7 inches off of my waist, 3 inches off my hips and 1 inch off my thigh. I have gained a lot more energy as well. I feel so good and I am hoping to continue the challenge as soon as I can. The challenge is so worth every penny. If you would like to learn more about the challenge or how to get it for a discount I will be more than happy to help. I have pics of before during and after for the results. There may be a couple of duplicates.
    In other news, I have also enrolled in school to go back again for nursing so I can get my RN. I am still currently waiting for my financial aide to be cleared so I can start and now have to worry about payments. I have also been in orientation for a sitter position at the hospital. I float from all the Via Christi hospitals as sitter. Yup lots of changes in deed as well as me:) I am very excited about. I am praying that it all works itself out, as well as my advocare business. So far so good. Well I better get off here so  I can get my house in order. I hope you all have a wonderful day.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014


It is a very sad day in my mind when I cant trust people.  My dad to this day still tells me that a person's word is the strongest form of trust. So when you trust a person to watch your kids, you trust them to be there with until you return from where ever you went to. That is why I am writing this specific blog. Last night while I was at work, my husband sent me a text saying that the car broke down. Well he texted our sitter to ask her to pick him up so he could get home and watch the kids. Thinking that she took my kids with her to pick him Jason waited for her to get there. She never showed. She left, but not with our kids. No instead she went home and left my young children at home by themselves with one of them still awake. By the time we were able to get home they were asleep, but again NO ONE was here to watch them. My girls woke up later that night scared and it took a while for them to go back to sleep. I am thankful that God was watching over both them and us last night. There is no telling what could have happened. I don't even want to try and think about it.On that note all I have to say now is that I am done! I am at a point where I don't think I can trust very many people now. I can't even say who some of my real friends are. It makes me sad and frustrated to say that, being that this person was supposed to be my friend. I am done. What kind of friend leaves their friends young children at home by themselves I mean really.  I could have lost my girls. I am very grateful for the people who I still trust, even though its not a lot. Well that is all for now I am going to get off here so I can rest before work. Later all.