Monday, November 25, 2013

30 days of thankfulness days 22-25

I am slowly learning that I am having to do most of these posts in threes. So with out further delay here are days 22-25.

Day 22
Today I am thankful for the simple fact that Catching fire came out today. I have been waiting for a long time for this movie to come out in theatres. After seeing the trailers and waiting rather impatiently for me to be able to see I get to catch the movie on the next day. I am super excited I even have someone to see it with which makes it even better.
Day 23
Today I would like to say that I am very thankful a nice somewhat relaxing three day weekend. To start off I am going to see the much anticipated move Catching fire. I am so pumped its the first showing and it looks really good. Then after I get back I am going to attempt to do some cleaning after the house has been bombed. However I do it I am planning to try and relax as much as possible.

Day 24
I would like to say that today I am thankful for a day reading and crocheting. I am happy I get to spend today to try and finish Jason's hat and the book I am reading. I am alternating between both of them. I have to say that it is very relaxing and I am enjoying every single part of it.Whether its an hour of crocheting and hour of reading its very  relaxing and very calming. I am hoping to go to work feeling rested and relaxed.Oh the simple things in life.

Day 25
Today I would like to say that I am thankful for the simple things. Simple things being naps, relaxation and things like that. I got to enjoy a day of the simple things.  There is not much explanation except just the simple things. Well that is all for now later every one

Thursday, November 21, 2013

30 days of thankfulness days 16-21

I have done it again I fell behind on the blog series ><. I am doing my best to remember. Okay so with out a do here it goes.

Day 16
Today I would like to say that I am thankful for still being able to get a lunch even after a crazy night at work. It was a rather crazy night at work, nothing has really run smoothly. There was just a whole bunch of unorderly chaos. To explain with out saying to much residents were late to dinner, were nearly late getting to bed and  it was just all out a mess.

Day 17
I would like to say that tonight I am thankful a beautiful day in general. The sun is out, the weather is nice and it is just beautiful. Perfect weather for taking the kids outside if i didnt have to go to work today. It felt like a really nice spring/fall day. I love it. Wishing the whole week could turn out this nice. That is alright, I can settle for this.

Day 18
I would like to say I am thankful for two things today, one to be able to share a day off with Jason and two for the simple fact that the weather is still decent.  To go further Jason and I have not had a day off together in a LONG time. Our days off are always separate. So this is a nice treat for a change. We get to spend the day together and enjoy each others company for a change. I truly enjoy being able to spend time with him. I am really thankful that is a beautiful day outside because I can take the kids to the park and let them ware themselves out. I am going to let them play as long as I can get away with it. I think an hour and a half will be long to ware them out and let them get a decent night of rest or so I hope. Maybe they will stay in their room for a change.

Day 19
On this I would like to say that I am thankful for there being somewhat decent weather. The weather is still mostly decent enough drive home in. I was praying for a decent enough night to just drive home in and not have bad weather to drive home from work. No rain, snow just decent weather to enjoy even though its cold at night for that I can handle.

Day 20
I am thankful a chance at overtime and a three day weekend. To go into further detail, a co worker was asking me if I would mind switching me this up coming monday for a Friday off. I told her yes 1 because a three day weekend sounds completely needed and amazing, and 2 because the rest for the long week is so much needed. The overtime would be great because it would be wonderful to be able to have a decent Christmas this year. Granted I will be complete exhausted, but I will atleast have that following Monday off. I am so looking forward to the rest and the big check so to speak.

Day 21
I am thankful for a chance to catch up on my DVR shows. My DVR is full of my shows, and so far I have been able to catch two of the shows. I am debating on watching more or just relaxing the rest of night so I can get a decent night of sleep. Oh how this weekend will be so freaking nice and awesome! I am looking forward to being able to catch the Hunger Games Catching fire movie Saturday. I have been looking forward to seeing that movie for so long and I get to catch it on Saturday! I am so excited I cant wait. A good weekend of fun and rest. Well that is all I have for now I will talk to you later.                                                                                                                                      

30 days of gratitude Days 13, 14 and 15

So I am seeming to have to keep because I am behind again. That's alright though I don't mind as long as I don't get to far behind. With our further ado let me begin.

Day 13
 I am thankful that my car is functioning better than it has been. We decided to that we need to give our car an oil change. Thankfully we found a place that was close to work and was decently priced. I like it when I can give our car a decent oil change and not pay an arm and a leg for it. Total cost for the oil change was less than $40. I am a happy person now.:)

Day 14
I am thankful for exercise and five hour energy. After I dropped the kids off at school I went to the Y to get some much needed exercise. It was a really good cardio workout too. A combination of the bike, walking the track and the tread bike I think what its called. Anyhow I burned both fat and calories. I was pretty tired and even coffee wasn't keeping me awake. Well on the way to dropping me off at work, Jason stopped at QT to pick up a 5 hour energy. Well we split and about 3pm I could feel it kick in and I was good to go until the end of the shift. Thanks to both exercise and 5 hour energy I was good to go for the day. For that I am very thankful.

Day 15
 Today I am thankful for the time relax and spend time with my kids. Today was a day to give me kids some much needed mommy time. With them being in school and me working nights unless I am off its hard to be able to spend time with my munchkins. Being that I was off today I got to take full advantage of that. I was able to watch tv with them let them help cook dinner and make dessert. We also had bath time together. Later after that, I was able to make a cd of music that Danielle likes to play for her when she goes to bed. On top of all of that, I got to relax. I was able to watch a dvr show and crochet a hat for Jason this winter. I am not completely relaxed, but I am relaxed enough to get some sleep tonight.I am hoping that maybe they will stay asleep in their room tonight and I can get a full night of sleep or at least a decent night of sleep. An example of that would be the girls sleeping in their rooms ALL night and not coming in the room at 3am to go to go back to sleep. I suppose I will find out tonight when I go to bed. That should be shortly after I wash my face and go to sleep. Well I will talk to you later. Good night everyone.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

30 days of gratitude days 10,11 and 12

I did it again, I fell behind on my days of gratitude >< but I am remembering so that is a good thing. So with out further delay here are days 10-12.

Day 10
 I would say that today I am grateful for being able to have a little bit of laziness. I was actually able to stay in pj's for most of the day. I know that I need to get dressed but I am tired and I would like to just relax a little before I go to work on Monday. You know its nice to be able to just sit back and relax for a little while. 

Day 11
 Today I am very grateful kind words. I was at work today and I got some really kind words from one of the families. They had told me that I am a wonderful person and just hearing their kind words brightened my day. Sometimes its nice to just compliments and be told that you are doing a good job. It makes me feel a little more humble but at the same time also brightens my mood and to a point my day. For example, I usually just respond back "thank you" with a smile and then tell them I do my best. It brightens my day because whenever I am stressed and feeling a little flustered just hearing that I am doing a good job reminds me that they appreciate it. 

Day 12
 Today I am thankful for kindness and friendship. Today was a really hard day because I almost went with out a babysitter for my kids.  But thankfully after I stopped by my friends house and asked her if she could watch my kids for a few hours she said would. That really saved our butts, because I know Jason really didn't want to have to call in and I couldn't afford to either. She came over and watched DJ and Riley and helped us out a lot. I am thankful for kindness because when she took her kids home, she went got us some groceries which I am very thankful for. I didn't expect it and it helped us out a lot. God really blessed us with that today. I guess you could say that in a way God has really blessed me in the past few days with laziness, kind words, kindness and friendship. For that I am really grateful, because they have made all the difference in my week and its only Tuesday. Well alright its technically Wednesday but still you know what I mean. Well I will talk to you later.:) 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

30 days of gratitude days 7, 8 and 9

Day 7
I am grateful for having WIC back into my life. To explain due to the wonderful government shut down, because all the nice gov. people with wonderful fat salaries couldn't get along or agree to disagree. Or whatever you want say about it. Any ways because of that WIC which is what we are relying to help us out with food was taken away until the shut down ended. Thankfully it did end and I now have 3 month of help with our groceries. Needless to say I am VERY grateful for it. It helps us out so much because it saves us money as well.

Day 8
I am grateful for having God bless me with a LOT of ease on our bills. I started my day with paying my bills, and as a caution I over project how much the bills are just to be safe and make sure that I have enough to pay them. Well God blessed me and eased my pocket book so to speak with a few of my bills being less than what I thought they were. For example my car tag which I projected to be about $80 was only $22, another payment which I thought was $46 was $43 and so. All together it saved my pocket book by a lot. After all said and done alot of bills were paid and I was able to have some money toward the end. Thankfully for that I can use some of that money to pay for other bills that are MUCH needing to be paid on. Not to forget Christmas gifts as well. Yes I am very thankful for that.

Day 9
Today I am grateful relaxation and Christmas savings. I am grateful for a weekend of relaxation and energy revitalizing. I was able to be lazy and not get out of my pjs until about 1:30 pm today. You may call it lazy but I call it relaxing and trying to gain my strength and energy for work on Monday. Tomorrow is going to be pretty much the sane because short of housework and laundry I dont plan to do hardly much at all. Onto the Christmas savings part. I went to do some light Christmas shopping with my mom today, and we only went to one place. We shopped at Target and with her coupons and the price reduction saved some money on Christmas shopping. One of the items I only spent $15 to $17 on. Another item I spent about $16 instead of $20. I owe my mom on $39 and I am not going to complain about it at all. Instead I am going to be very thankful for it and happy about it. I was also able to get some birthday shopping done for Riley as well. YAY team me lol. Well anyways that is all for now  I will talk to you tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day of thanks days 5 and 6

I was running behind last night and got so tired I forgot to post >< so I am making up for today and posting both days on here.
Day 5
I would like to say that today I am thankful for Jason's health being in manageable condition. Last winter Jason's health was in really bad shape, and I dont mean bad as in a bad cold or anything like that. I mean bad as in from May there were a total of atleast six hospital visits, and a minimal of 18 breathing treatments. Lets also not forget the 10 inhalers that we went through. Those are not cheap at all. This fall and winter how ever his health is doing much better being that we have gotten rid of the main reason for his asthma flare ups and him floating back and forth from having pneumonia and bronchitis. The reason being that he was in a smoke filled building. Nope this year that issue has been eliminated. His asthma still acts up, but with the thanks to having a gym membership and us actually being able to use it of course and the elimination of the smoke in the environment he is doing MUCH better. :) So far so good and it is also by the grace of God that he is doing better as well. I am very grateful to God for that.

Day 6
I am grateful for having such very sweet residents to work with. I think that on my floor I have some of the sweetest people that I work with. Their smiles make me smile and that is the best reward that I could ever ask for. Today I was at work and talking to one and she had told me that I am her favorite aid. I have to admit that was the highlight of my night and it just made me smile a little more tonight. It also made me tear up because I don't think I have ever heard that from anyone til tonight. You know some of the best rewards in life for me are the ones that don't cost anything. I can honestly say that I have the most rewarding job that I have ever had before. Just seeing my residents smile makes me smile. I love them so much, and tonight I got the best reminder as to why I am there. I am very grateful to God for that, and could not ask for a better job :) Well I will talk to you later.

Monday, November 4, 2013

30 days of gratitude day 4

I am grateful for my job. I have spent months looking for a CNA job. After months of praying God has finally answered my prayers and blessed me a job opportunity to work Via Christi Villages. I love my job and could not ask for a better job. It is a place I love going to work for, the pay is just a bonus and none the less I love this job. I am very grateful for it and cant thank God enough for answering my prayers.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

30 days of gratitude day 3

About 3 days ago I started a blog series called 30 days of gratitude. Today would mark the third day gratitude.

Day 3:
Today I am grateful for a day off. Since last Sunday I have been working non stop, with the exception of having Friday off. That's right I worked Sunday-Thursday and this weekend. Thankfully I am also off on Monday. I plan to be in full relaxation mode. What does that mean? That means with the exception of doing what I usually do in the day which is get the kids ready for school, take them to school, a little bit of cleaning and a few other things; I don't plan on doing anything but relaxing and spending time with my kids. I am exhausted and sore and ready for a break. Having tomorrow off is just simply wonderful and perfect. I am tired and darn it rest is just what the doctor ordered for tomorrow. Television with the girls, a workout to help get my butt back in shape and relaxing and doing things that I love to do. That in a nutshell are my plans for tomorrow. So yes, I am thankful for a day off work. I know that my kids are certainly going to be grateful for it. They get full blown mommy time after they get home from school. Complete with homework time lol. Well that is all for today. Come back tomorrow for day 4. :)

Saturday, November 2, 2013

30 days of gratefulness Day 2

Yesterday I started a blog series called the 30 days of gratefulness. Today is the second day of the series.
 So with out delay here is day two.

Day Two-
Today I am thankful for my pet rats. I know that it sounds strange, but my two rats are very loving and sweet little guys. They are so lovable and are good little stress relievers. If I am ever stressed out I usually take them or more specifically Miko out of her cage and just let her roam around me and I just feel so much better after I hold her. Both her and Cutie Bug are lovable little nuggets. Jason was the one that originally talked me into having a rat as a pet. For that I am very grateful to have them as pets. They are just so lovable and very sweet little ones. It started out as having just one rat named Bella, then we thought it would be a good idea to give her a friend. Well shortly after we thought it would be a good idea to have three so our kiddos could each have one. Well the original 3 were Bella, Miko and Tink. Well sadly Bella passed away so we got Cutie Bug to fill her spot. Then shortly after Bella passed Tink passed. So now it is just down to having Miko and Cutie Bug. I am fine with that but Miko is a sweet heart and Cutie Bug is slowly warming up to people. Sometimes my husband and my kids tend to pick the most shy little guys but none the less they are still quite lovable. I can tell because Miko will give you kisses or play with you hair if she likes you and Cutie will sort of nibble if she wants to give you lovings. Well that is all for now. I will talk to you later.

Friday, November 1, 2013

30 days of gratitude

Okay, so last year I started this and I didn't succeed in continuing it. So I am going to try again this and in all honesty I have a lot to be thankful for this year.

Thirty days of gratitude Day 1.
Today I would like to say that I am grateful for my family and friends. My family and friends are my base support system. They have been through both my successful and stressful times. Whether they here me complain about why I am stressed or they hear me rant about something I am proud of. It doesnt matter what it is. An example would be when I was getting off of work the other and I was so frustrated I  wanted to scream. Jason was listened to me rant about how frustrated I was. Another example would be when I got CNA license I was so happy and over joyed he could tell I was bursting at the seems lol. I would not shut up about how proud I was that I passed the state test and how it felt like I was handed a $500 check so to speak. I am just so grateful for my family and friends and they know who they are. I am grateful for my friends because it was for one my friends giving me the kick in the butt I needed to take a cna class I would not be where I am working at today. She would always be telling to me sign up for a cna class and that it would help out so much. I can not tell you how right she was, and I am forever grateful that nudge. Another reason I am grateful for my friends is that I have a friend who has been there for me no matter what. For example I called her up around 6:30 in the morning because I couldnt sleep and she helped me get my mind off what was stressing me out just by talking to me. We are each others prayer buddies. If I have a prayer request she will pray for me or help me find a verse to help me. If she needs a prayer request I will do my best to pray for her as well. God has blessed me with wonderful family and friends and for that I am really grateful for them all.
That is all for now, I will talk to you again tomorrow for day 2.