Tuesday, December 1, 2015

30 days of thankfulness and blessings Day 30

A day late buyeart it is still good so here is the final day of this series

Day 30 November 30,2015

Today I am thankful for getting a little extra rest. I woke to get ready to call into work this morning, and my phone gave its make a payment or your account will be suspended message. Well after I had taken the time to do all that there was no real point to call into work because it was almost 6:20 am. So in turn I was able to get a little more sleep. I am also thankful for the fact that we have food for the month of December. I had to visit dcf and check on our foodstamp case and thankfully everything is current and good to go. Another thing I am thankful is an awesome scentsy family. I have friend who is also a scentsy customer of mine who was really wanting an applebutter frosting brick. I had told her they would be gone at a certain time and didnt hear back. So when I did hear back they were sold out. Well I posted on the scentsy page and one of the consultants had one and offered to trade. So I traded her a pumpkin roll brick that I ordered for her for her apple butter frosting brick. My scentsy family is so so awesome I love them to pieces. Last but not least I am thankful for Gods amazing grace and that i was able to get the girls a Christmas gift this year. God's grace is keeping my head above water. I had a fear that my internet connection would  be shut off because I am struggling to pay the bill. Well God's grace has kept it on long enough for me to catch up and keep the working on my online homework atleast for now and I am very grateful for that. I am also thankful that  I had a little extra money to get the girls a Christmas gift well technically two but still I am very thankful for being able to do that. I am trying really hard to appreciate the little things because it makes the bigger things alot easier to enjoy and appreciate. Well that is all for now talk to you later.