Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Late night randomness

I have forgotten how much i enjoy reading my Anita blake books. I am so far behind so I am trying really hard to get caught. Thank goodness for Audible audiobooks, helps read and catch when I am not able to read or too tired stay awake to read. I have learned that I like certain chapters in the books for example Chapter 14 on in Cerulean Sins is one of my favorite chapters in that book. I of course have my list of favorite characters in the series. So far my favorite characters are Anita, Jean Claude, Micah, Jason, Edward and Asher. I am sure the more i get into the series I will find more that i like but these are my top favorites so far. I am currently reading incubus dreams. I love reading these books as it is my way to relax and let my imagination open up. As of lately i have been finding songs that remind me of the characters of the book. For example the song Blow me one last kiss by Pink reminds me of Anita and Richard. The song Nine in the afternoon reminds me of Anita and Micah. I am looking forward to getting the audiobook for Incubus dreams. I dont think I have a favorite book as I love them all. Well that is all for now later all.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The sadness that has happened today

To say that today has not been a say day would be highly incorrect. Starting with the heartbreaking event that occurred this morning in Orlando, Florida. A senseless, hateful, heartless, cowardly murder happened this morning. Leaving 50 people killed and 3 injured. Hearing about his just breaks my heart to no end. To quote a line from a popular children's book" A person is a person no matter how small." -Horton the elephant from Horton hears a who by Dr. Seuss .That line is true in real life. A person is a person it doesn't matter what there status is in life. NO ONE ever has the right to take that life away. They are God's creation, his masterpiece and most of all his children. My heart goes out to there loved ones as they are dealing with this horrific and disgusting crime. To say that it was a hate crime would be a complete understatement. There are just no right words to describe how  I feel about this. Other than it was a truly evil act and it just saddens me. The person that committed this doesn't deserve my words nor my sympathy. But it is not place to judge him. I will leave that for God. As I know this breaks his hear as well. I will pray for his soul, I will pray for his family, I will pray for the friends and family of those that were murdered and injured. As I can not even imagine what they are going through right now.  

The other sad event that has happened, is that just recently my husband found out that his cousin has passed away this morning from a heart attack. We are currently trying to figure out how we are going to make it to the funeral when it happens. I am just really praying that we can, because i know Jason wants to go and i think he should. I just pray we can find a way to make it. So there has been a lot of sadness today. If today has taught me anything is that life is very precious and is to be treasured. It is priceless.Today is a good day to look at the positive aspects of today, and try not to focus on the negative. There is always something to be thankful for and there is always a positive for every negative that happens you just need to look for it. I dont know the reason for all of this, but I do know that there is a positive and silver lining for all of it. That is what i am going to focus on right now. So as I end this post I am going to leave you with a couple of songs and a bible verses that I fall back on when all of this happens.
Psalm 34:18-20
The Lord is close to the broken hearted and rescues those whose spirits are crushed. The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time. For the Lord protects the bones of the righteous; not one of them is broken.
Isaiah 25:8-9
He will swallow up death forever! The Sovereign Lord witll wipe away all tears. He will remove all insults and mockery against his land and people. The Lord has spoken! 9. In that day people will proclaim, This is our God! We trusted him, and he saved us! This is the Lord, in whom we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation he brings! 
Well that is all for now. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

30 days of thankfulness and blessings Day 30

A day late buyeart it is still good so here is the final day of this series

Day 30 November 30,2015

Today I am thankful for getting a little extra rest. I woke to get ready to call into work this morning, and my phone gave its make a payment or your account will be suspended message. Well after I had taken the time to do all that there was no real point to call into work because it was almost 6:20 am. So in turn I was able to get a little more sleep. I am also thankful for the fact that we have food for the month of December. I had to visit dcf and check on our foodstamp case and thankfully everything is current and good to go. Another thing I am thankful is an awesome scentsy family. I have friend who is also a scentsy customer of mine who was really wanting an applebutter frosting brick. I had told her they would be gone at a certain time and didnt hear back. So when I did hear back they were sold out. Well I posted on the scentsy page and one of the consultants had one and offered to trade. So I traded her a pumpkin roll brick that I ordered for her for her apple butter frosting brick. My scentsy family is so so awesome I love them to pieces. Last but not least I am thankful for Gods amazing grace and that i was able to get the girls a Christmas gift this year. God's grace is keeping my head above water. I had a fear that my internet connection would  be shut off because I am struggling to pay the bill. Well God's grace has kept it on long enough for me to catch up and keep the working on my online homework atleast for now and I am very grateful for that. I am also thankful that  I had a little extra money to get the girls a Christmas gift well technically two but still I am very thankful for being able to do that. I am trying really hard to appreciate the little things because it makes the bigger things alot easier to enjoy and appreciate. Well that is all for now talk to you later.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

30 days of thankfulness and blessings day 29

Day 29 November 29, 2015

Today I am thankful for being able to spend time with a really good friend. We met at the pizza hut bistro and was able to vent, talk and up. I am very grateful for being able to meet up and hang out. I am also very grateful for wonderful friends. Good friends are so hard to find anymore. Which makes me grateful for the ones that i have both old and new. To me they are all rock stars and I love them to pieces. So right now I just want to thank God for all the wonderful and amazing people in my life that he has blessed me with. I don't know what I would do with out them. I hope that I can hang out with them more. Well that is all for tonight. Talk to you all later.

30 Days of thankfulness and blessings days 26, 27 and 28

Yes I know I am behind again I was really tired on Thanksgiving after my shift and I had forgot about it. But I am here to play catch up again for the last few days and tonight I will do todays. So with out any more further delay I present to you days 26-28.

Day 26 November 26, 2015

Today I would like to say that I am thankful for being able to do an earlier shift instead of the shift that was scheduled. Let me explain a little further. During my first shift my client asked me if I could come from 1:30-3:30 instead of 3:30-5:30. He told me it wouldnt make sense for me to come and care for him at 330 because his son would be there. I agreed and told him I would be there at 1:30. It was fine with me because it did get my day done sooner and I could spend the rest of the day with my family. It was not a bad day all in all.

Day 27 November 27,2015

Today I would like to say that I am thankful for the roads not being bad. There was a lot of concern that roads were going to be horrendous but thankfully where I needed to go wasnt near as bad and  Jason was able to drive to work safely. I am also thankful and grateful that our internet and power are still on. I say this because since the internet is on I was able to get a jump start on finishing my homework. I dont know when they are going to turn it off, but I wanted to make sure that I could take the time to get my homework online done. I am thankful that our power is  still on because there are alot of things that needed to get done using the electricity. I am also grateful and thankful I was able to get a decent pay check this pay period. I was worried that it wouldnt be enough, but God must have heard my prayers and concerns because it was just enough to be able to pay for what needed to be paid for. I was even able to tithe it and say thank you to him for doing it. Last but not least I am very grateful I was able to visit my son tonight. I got to visit as the spur of the moment visit. But still I was able to visit him and spend a little bit of time with him.

Day 28 November 28,2015

Today I am grateful for being able to celebrate my little girls birthday and spend time with her as well. Today she turned 6 years old! She has been counting down the days to her birthday it was so stinking cute. She got to celebrate with her cousins friends and family it was a really fun celebration. I am also thankful being able to have a date night with Jason. Last night we got to see Mockingjay part 2 from the Hunger games. It was a good movie, sad but still very good. It had a happy ending and I am glad. It is a good series I will say that. If you get a chance to see it or read the series I would suggest it. Just bring a box of tissues with you because it does has some sad parts in each of the books.
Well that is all for now. I am going to try and be back on here tonight to try and do tonight's post.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

30 days of Thankfulness and blessing days 23, 24, 25

I am running behind again. I have been so tired lately and forgetful. So here are days 23-25 and I will post day 26 tonight.

Day 23 November 23,2015
Today I am thankful for being able to work for a few hours. I have not been able to work in a while, and being able to work for a few hours today has truly been a blessing. It will be nice to have a pay check again especially when I went a pay period with absolutely no pay check. I just think it is nice for a change to be able to a paycheck. I am also thankful for my flexible schedule as well. It helps to have the flexibility.

Day 24 November 24, 2015
Today I am thankful for being able to see and spend time with my friends. I have a very good friend that I have not been able to spend time with in a while being she has not been feeling well. I am thankful that i am able to spend time with her for a little bit after class. I am also thankful only having one day of class this week. It makes a huge difference energy wise on my end. I get to take the time work and relax for most of the day. Not so much to stress over after today. I have not been able to focus much on school with all the stress and crap. So Thursday it will be nice to just focus on work and then family after my last shift of the day.

Day 25 November 25, 2015
Today I am thankful for being able to take the day off work. I didnt get to sleep in, but to relax and spend time with my family before Jason had to go to work it makes a huge difference. I can feel refreshed and ready for the next day. I love being able to spend time with the kiddos and Jason it feels nice. No rush little stress just me and my family. I am also thankful for the daily rate I was able to get yesterday. It helped so much I was able to get my daugter's birthday gift early, which made a big difference in my day. Well that is all for now I will post day 26 tonight.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

30 days of thankfulness and blessings

I am behind again but I am still going catch up and continue so with out further delay let us get started.

Day 21 November 20, 2015
Today I am thankful for the opportunity to work again. Different job but still thankful. I had to drive to the hutch hospital to work from 8-2:30. Needless to say I am exhausted and ready to chill out for a while. I am also thankful for a night of peace and quiet and no kids. The girls are staying over night with their brother so I am enjoying a peaceful nice of rest and relaxation. I am also grateful for an amazing friend who sent out a buddy that I was looking for a friend. She is such an amazing
Scentsy friend and I am so thank for her and all my amazing scentsy friends and family; as well as my non scentsy friends and family I love you guys.

Day 22 November 22, 2015
Today I am thankful a full day of just playing catch up with my crochet to get my Christmas gifts worked on for everyone. I had a chance to just hang out and get my crochet Christmas gifts worked on. I a, so behind and it's so relaxing. So thankful I got to work on it today. It was nice to just chill out for a while. I a, also thankful for Midol. My aunt Irma came for her pre visit and taking three Midol helped me out so much. Well that is all for tonight guys later.

Friday, November 20, 2015

30 Days of thankfulness and blessing days14 , 15,16,17,18,19,20

These post are much needed especially when life feels it needs to kick me when I am already down.These last few days have been up and down. So with out further delay lets kick this off the right way.

Day 14 November 14,  2015
Today I would like to say that I am thankful for an amazing friend. She offered to watch the kids for a few hours so Jason and I could enjoy a night out last night. She has also offered to help as a Christmas gift to me. I made my night knowing that I have been blessed with such an amazing friend. I am so grateful for God bringing her in my life. With things being so stressful she brought some joy back by watching the girls for a few hours. Jason and i had really good night and didnt matter how simple the date was it helped out so much. We both needed it. It was definitely the positive part of our very stressful day. 

I am also thankful the chance to work for a couple of hours. It has been very stressful lately because my hours have been cut, so I when I was able to work for a couple of hours it was greatly appreciated. I am hoping I will be able to work again.  Every little bit helps right now and I am grateful I was able to work. Just praying that our financial stress gets cleared up soon because it would help a whole lot.

Day 15 November 15, 2015
Today I am thankful for being able to sleep in my own bed. I know it is odd but usually when my kids are home and not staying at there grandmas I have to move to the couch because there is not enough room on the bed for me to sleep on. Well last night i got to sleep in my own bed and not the couch for a change and it felt great.

Day 16 November 16, 2015
Today I am thankful amazing friends and Gods healing pressence and peace of mind. When Jason picked me up today, he was telling me about the crap he went through with my mom. During which time he scared us both because he had chest pains. He thought nothing of it because it did eventually go away. Needless to say I still advised him to stay home just to be safe. Well later that night he called me and told me it happened again and it scared us even more. Through that whole night I was talking with some friends to help me calm down and it felt good to just talk to someone for a change. These guys are amazing and I am so grateful for them talking to me, praying for the both of us, and caring. They are all rockstars in my book.  God was amazing too. He helped Jason heal from his anxiety attack and and helped me stay calm in front of the kids. I am also grateful for being able to work that day as well, It felt good to work again.

Day 17 November 17,2015
Today I am grateful that I didnt have any math tests. I decided to not go to class today so I can focus on the stuff that needed to get done. There was a lot that needed done too. I am grateful for the chance to just try and relax a little bit as well. I did have an A and P but that was about all.

Day 18 November 18, 2015
Today as odd as it sounds, I am thankful for my phone acting up. I got to use the time to try and relax and clean the house. If my phone didnt act up I may have been really tired. I would say today was a good day to try and catch up on the shows I have missed among getting things done.

Day 19 November 19, 2015
Today I am thankful being able to step out of my comfort zone and see about getting some scentsy orders for my friends fundraiser. It sometimes takes a lot but tonight I was able to ask a fellow classmate if she would be able to help out with the fundraiser I am doing. I am hopeful that she will order. I just dont know when and am hoping she will order soon. I am also thankful for being able to get out of class early. I was really tired last night, and it was nice to be able to get out of class early for a change.

Day 20 November 20,2015
 Today I am grateful for being able to work again for 8 hrs. It will really help my paycheck and I could really use it next week that is for sure. I am also thankful for being able to share scentsy with more co workers again. I am hopeful that they will all order to help out this fundraiser. I am also grateful for being able to spend the night with my family and being able to enjoy it. I have another early work day tomorrow and being able to spend time with Jason and the girls is a priceless blessing. I am going to miss them while I am at work tomorrow. I will have 10 minutes to spend time with jason tomorrow before he has to go to work but the bright side is I get to spend time with the girls for a little while.

Oh the many blessings for the week and I have another day or two. Well I am going to leave on this note and say Thank you God for all the blessings you have given me.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Over the past month and this month I have been doing a Scentsy fundraiser fora friend to help her be with her mom on her mom's last days. I will admit it has been a fight. I am not giving up. I am now extending it to more than fundraiser. I am also using the money for parties and orders to donate towards the fundraiser. Can I ask for your guys' help. We mainly need people to order to help raise the money, but I am needing people to spread the word to people who will order, prayers for it to have a good outcome. I am a Scentsy consultant in case you are all wondering.  Any how if you can help it would be awesome! Here is the link to the fundraiser  https://plucas082.scentsy.us/?partyId=292667264. There is a sale section as well if you would like to look and shop there. If you would like to have a party to help you do get both free and half price items. It can be a facebook, online, or if you are local it can be a home or basket party. Just let me know. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Here are just a few items that we have I have also included some items from the sale section of the page as well. Please if you can help make this fundraiser a success I would be very grateful.

Friday, November 13, 2015

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 13

This is a post that need I need to do for myself. It has been a really rough day and I need to shed a positive light on it.

Day 13 November 13,2015

Today I am thankful for the opportunity to work tomorrow even if it is for a short time. I have been needing work and to find some way to be able to help get bills paid. I responded to an inter text this afternoon and get to work for atleast 1.5-2 hours. I am very grateful to be able to do it. I am also thankful SAMPLES! Yes I said samples I am thankful to be able to send out my scentsy samples. You never know what may happen. Who knows I may get a lot of orders out of those samples. Dont know til you try right. I am also thankful that we have food. We have gone atleast a month with struggling to get food in the house. And this month we finally were able to get food stamps and actually get food. I just want to say that I am thankful for all the little things and little blessings were given. I want to try and appreciate those little blessings and victories because it makes the bigger ones that much better. Well I need to get off here so I can get my little ones from school. I will talk to you all later.