Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Can I please rest?

Well this is my first all nighter since I was in high school, and I have to say I DON'T like it. I tried to sleep at 2am and I couldn't do it. Tried to sleep at 4am was close then DJ woke up not feeling well. She has caught a cold. After I got her to sleep I tried again and well not happening....right now i am just not tired. I have been up for nearly 24 hrs. It has been a combination of things. For example, the fact that I am still sore from the wreck last weekend is a factor, the whole fact that I am on pins and needles with this whole pink eye thing (not happy about btw), and just a whole bunch of other things have been added to the mix. I will bring up the the wreck and other stuff in a different blog. I am going to find a way to factor in a nap and it will probably be when I get my bed cleared off and the mattress cover and comforter cleaned along with the pillows. Did I mention I HATE pink eye. Any how I am doing what I can to be busy enough to try and rest later. I know that me not sleeping is going to kick me in the butt so I am going to find a way to rest some how. I am just not sure how. So as the title asks CAN I PLEASE REST? Whether its naps or a full 8hrs I just want to sleep. I know there is a way to do it. I refuse to resort to pills. To confess though, just so I could see if they would help I took some the other night. I couldn't tell much of a difference. I did sleep though so maybe they did. I am not going to take them again though. Where there is a will there is a way and I will find it. I am going to pray that God helps me sleep some how. Yay I think I am starting to get tired. Well that is all for now later.

Friday, June 15, 2012

short blog entry

Hey everyone I am sorry I have not been as much lately. I have been busy looking for work checking the stats on a video I made for a friend. A week ago, I made an autism awareness video and try and bring a message across. I am please to say that message has heard and understood LOUD and clear. It has reached 5 continents, 13 different countries, and on YouTube alone as of right now, 675 viewers in counting. I am fixing to share this video on facebook again to share it as much as I can. Among other things that I have doing some massive house cleaning or at least attempting to. It seems that no matter how much i put a dent into cleaning my house my kids make the effort seem non-existent. I keep trying to clean regardless. Sometimes I think they are smiling back at me saying sucker. Then there is the usual bill management and the typical everyday chaos. I don't always like that kind of chaos but on some days i will take it over the excessive amounts of chaos which seems to be more frequent than not. Lets not forget the heat in our house which is overwhelming at times..that is why we try to get out of the house as much as possible to stay cool. I am happy to say that I made a new friend and she extremely sweet. In other news, my kids are slowly driving me insane. I use the word slowly lightly. Well I hate to cute this one short but I am going attempt to do another resume before the night is over. Late everyone.