Sunday, November 8, 2015

30 days of thankfulness days 7 and 8

I know I am behind life is doing its best to get me down and slow me down and I fighting like crazy to not let it get me down. So again with out further ado let me present to you days 7 and 8.

Day 7 November 7,2015
Today I have quite a few things that I am thankful for. I am thankful for friends who help me let me vent even if it is about stools and the consistency of it. I have a really good friend who has listened to me vent about my husbands diarrhea issue. It never seemed to gross her out and she even helped with some ideas of how to help firm it up. I know that hearing about it is gross and not the most wanted thing to listen to but no matter how bad or gross it got she still listened and to an extent she helped me calm down a bit as well. She has been and is a rockstar for listening to me rant about it.

I am also thankful for food. Yes after a little over a month, we were approved for foodstamps to get some actual healthy and more filling food in the house. We were able to get some milk and few other things before we officially went grocery shopping. I am so grateful for God's mercy on that one and that it was the one thing that was needed to give. I have been praying that something was going to have to give and did. I am so thankful for that.

I am also thankful for a night with just me and Jason. My girls were staying over night with their brother. It was nice to enjoy a night of peace and quiet. Although it was a bit stressful because of the whole diarrhea issue. I am still grateful for being able to spend time with him.

Day 8 November 8, 2015
Today I am thankful for and awesome friend who helped me stay grounded, sane and help me find humor in this whole mess. Even if it is the smallest amount of humor it helped. Currently my sanity is almost non existant. Trying to figure out if Jason is getting better or now what is causing his issues how to fix said issues etc. She gave me one thing to tell myself and that its not icy hot on the nuts. It does help, but as of right its back and forth.

I am also thankful for God. He has been listening to me rant, rave, show my anger, frustration, worry, listening to me vocalize how stressed out Jason's diarrhea has made me. He has heard my cry etc and even the slightest bit of peace that he has given has helped me so much. Right I am just praying to God that Jason gets over this crap and is done with it soon. I am so worried about him and hope that he is over it soon so we dont need to get him looked at.
Well that is all for now I will talk to you later.

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