Sunday, November 29, 2015

30 Days of thankfulness and blessings days 26, 27 and 28

Yes I know I am behind again I was really tired on Thanksgiving after my shift and I had forgot about it. But I am here to play catch up again for the last few days and tonight I will do todays. So with out any more further delay I present to you days 26-28.

Day 26 November 26, 2015

Today I would like to say that I am thankful for being able to do an earlier shift instead of the shift that was scheduled. Let me explain a little further. During my first shift my client asked me if I could come from 1:30-3:30 instead of 3:30-5:30. He told me it wouldnt make sense for me to come and care for him at 330 because his son would be there. I agreed and told him I would be there at 1:30. It was fine with me because it did get my day done sooner and I could spend the rest of the day with my family. It was not a bad day all in all.

Day 27 November 27,2015

Today I would like to say that I am thankful for the roads not being bad. There was a lot of concern that roads were going to be horrendous but thankfully where I needed to go wasnt near as bad and  Jason was able to drive to work safely. I am also thankful and grateful that our internet and power are still on. I say this because since the internet is on I was able to get a jump start on finishing my homework. I dont know when they are going to turn it off, but I wanted to make sure that I could take the time to get my homework online done. I am thankful that our power is  still on because there are alot of things that needed to get done using the electricity. I am also grateful and thankful I was able to get a decent pay check this pay period. I was worried that it wouldnt be enough, but God must have heard my prayers and concerns because it was just enough to be able to pay for what needed to be paid for. I was even able to tithe it and say thank you to him for doing it. Last but not least I am very grateful I was able to visit my son tonight. I got to visit as the spur of the moment visit. But still I was able to visit him and spend a little bit of time with him.

Day 28 November 28,2015

Today I am grateful for being able to celebrate my little girls birthday and spend time with her as well. Today she turned 6 years old! She has been counting down the days to her birthday it was so stinking cute. She got to celebrate with her cousins friends and family it was a really fun celebration. I am also thankful being able to have a date night with Jason. Last night we got to see Mockingjay part 2 from the Hunger games. It was a good movie, sad but still very good. It had a happy ending and I am glad. It is a good series I will say that. If you get a chance to see it or read the series I would suggest it. Just bring a box of tissues with you because it does has some sad parts in each of the books.
Well that is all for now. I am going to try and be back on here tonight to try and do tonight's post.

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