Wednesday, November 11, 2015

30 days of thankfulness and blessings days 10, and 11

I have been a little on the distracted side so with out further delay here are days 10 and 11.

Day 10 November 10, 2015
Today I am thankful for understanding friends. I had some money saved up for a fundraiser that I am doing for a friend. When I checked the bank it was already taken. I was so pissed, I didn't even get to use it for tithing which was my first purpose. I had told her last night and she was understanding about it. For that I am very thankful. It will be replaced as son as possible. I am also getting a  scentsy card replaced too so it doesn't happen again.  I am also thankful for my wonderful kids I love them to pieces. Even when I am feeling tired or not in a good mood their cuddles and love bring a smile to my face.

Day 11 November 11, 2015
Today I am thankful for all of the veterans past and present. A special
thanks to my husband Jason. Thank you babe for serving our country I love you. I am also thankful for my wonderful husband. This morning he let me sleep in because I don't get to sleep in that much. It was that little thing that meant lot to me. Thank you babe I love you. With that being said I am going to get off here later guys.

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