Friday, November 20, 2015

30 Days of thankfulness and blessing days14 , 15,16,17,18,19,20

These post are much needed especially when life feels it needs to kick me when I am already down.These last few days have been up and down. So with out further delay lets kick this off the right way.

Day 14 November 14,  2015
Today I would like to say that I am thankful for an amazing friend. She offered to watch the kids for a few hours so Jason and I could enjoy a night out last night. She has also offered to help as a Christmas gift to me. I made my night knowing that I have been blessed with such an amazing friend. I am so grateful for God bringing her in my life. With things being so stressful she brought some joy back by watching the girls for a few hours. Jason and i had really good night and didnt matter how simple the date was it helped out so much. We both needed it. It was definitely the positive part of our very stressful day. 

I am also thankful the chance to work for a couple of hours. It has been very stressful lately because my hours have been cut, so I when I was able to work for a couple of hours it was greatly appreciated. I am hoping I will be able to work again.  Every little bit helps right now and I am grateful I was able to work. Just praying that our financial stress gets cleared up soon because it would help a whole lot.

Day 15 November 15, 2015
Today I am thankful for being able to sleep in my own bed. I know it is odd but usually when my kids are home and not staying at there grandmas I have to move to the couch because there is not enough room on the bed for me to sleep on. Well last night i got to sleep in my own bed and not the couch for a change and it felt great.

Day 16 November 16, 2015
Today I am thankful amazing friends and Gods healing pressence and peace of mind. When Jason picked me up today, he was telling me about the crap he went through with my mom. During which time he scared us both because he had chest pains. He thought nothing of it because it did eventually go away. Needless to say I still advised him to stay home just to be safe. Well later that night he called me and told me it happened again and it scared us even more. Through that whole night I was talking with some friends to help me calm down and it felt good to just talk to someone for a change. These guys are amazing and I am so grateful for them talking to me, praying for the both of us, and caring. They are all rockstars in my book.  God was amazing too. He helped Jason heal from his anxiety attack and and helped me stay calm in front of the kids. I am also grateful for being able to work that day as well, It felt good to work again.

Day 17 November 17,2015
Today I am grateful that I didnt have any math tests. I decided to not go to class today so I can focus on the stuff that needed to get done. There was a lot that needed done too. I am grateful for the chance to just try and relax a little bit as well. I did have an A and P but that was about all.

Day 18 November 18, 2015
Today as odd as it sounds, I am thankful for my phone acting up. I got to use the time to try and relax and clean the house. If my phone didnt act up I may have been really tired. I would say today was a good day to try and catch up on the shows I have missed among getting things done.

Day 19 November 19, 2015
Today I am thankful being able to step out of my comfort zone and see about getting some scentsy orders for my friends fundraiser. It sometimes takes a lot but tonight I was able to ask a fellow classmate if she would be able to help out with the fundraiser I am doing. I am hopeful that she will order. I just dont know when and am hoping she will order soon. I am also thankful for being able to get out of class early. I was really tired last night, and it was nice to be able to get out of class early for a change.

Day 20 November 20,2015
 Today I am grateful for being able to work again for 8 hrs. It will really help my paycheck and I could really use it next week that is for sure. I am also thankful for being able to share scentsy with more co workers again. I am hopeful that they will all order to help out this fundraiser. I am also grateful for being able to spend the night with my family and being able to enjoy it. I have another early work day tomorrow and being able to spend time with Jason and the girls is a priceless blessing. I am going to miss them while I am at work tomorrow. I will have 10 minutes to spend time with jason tomorrow before he has to go to work but the bright side is I get to spend time with the girls for a little while.

Oh the many blessings for the week and I have another day or two. Well I am going to leave on this note and say Thank you God for all the blessings you have given me.

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