Saturday, November 9, 2013

30 days of gratitude days 7, 8 and 9

Day 7
I am grateful for having WIC back into my life. To explain due to the wonderful government shut down, because all the nice gov. people with wonderful fat salaries couldn't get along or agree to disagree. Or whatever you want say about it. Any ways because of that WIC which is what we are relying to help us out with food was taken away until the shut down ended. Thankfully it did end and I now have 3 month of help with our groceries. Needless to say I am VERY grateful for it. It helps us out so much because it saves us money as well.

Day 8
I am grateful for having God bless me with a LOT of ease on our bills. I started my day with paying my bills, and as a caution I over project how much the bills are just to be safe and make sure that I have enough to pay them. Well God blessed me and eased my pocket book so to speak with a few of my bills being less than what I thought they were. For example my car tag which I projected to be about $80 was only $22, another payment which I thought was $46 was $43 and so. All together it saved my pocket book by a lot. After all said and done alot of bills were paid and I was able to have some money toward the end. Thankfully for that I can use some of that money to pay for other bills that are MUCH needing to be paid on. Not to forget Christmas gifts as well. Yes I am very thankful for that.

Day 9
Today I am grateful relaxation and Christmas savings. I am grateful for a weekend of relaxation and energy revitalizing. I was able to be lazy and not get out of my pjs until about 1:30 pm today. You may call it lazy but I call it relaxing and trying to gain my strength and energy for work on Monday. Tomorrow is going to be pretty much the sane because short of housework and laundry I dont plan to do hardly much at all. Onto the Christmas savings part. I went to do some light Christmas shopping with my mom today, and we only went to one place. We shopped at Target and with her coupons and the price reduction saved some money on Christmas shopping. One of the items I only spent $15 to $17 on. Another item I spent about $16 instead of $20. I owe my mom on $39 and I am not going to complain about it at all. Instead I am going to be very thankful for it and happy about it. I was also able to get some birthday shopping done for Riley as well. YAY team me lol. Well anyways that is all for now  I will talk to you tomorrow.

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